


What is integrative body-oriented psychotherapy?
And how is it applied in practice?
The peculiarity of body-oriented psychotherapy is in the holistic approach to the person. That is the personality is seen as a whole: Body + Mind + Soul = Personality.

The patient’s body can “tell” you about his problems and character much faster and more than he can tell you himself.

The body remembers everything: all of our feelings, experiences, important events, and negative experiences are imprinted on it from the moment the body appears, when consciousness and conscious memory are still out of the question… Thus, it is possible to work with emotions, relationships, self-acceptance, etc. through the body.

First Year Program
THE BASE PROGRAMME is a theoretical and practical course that introduces the history of development and the main schools of body-oriented psychotherapy; the basic concepts, goals and objectives, capabilities and limitations of CBT, the ethical rules of work of a body-oriented psychotherapist, the basics of theory and methodology, diagnostic methods, research and work in body-oriented psychotherapy, the therapy prognosis and its evaluation, indications and contraindications for using methods.

Second Year Program
The program is designed for body-oriented psychotherapists who already have experience in counseling or conducting groups in this modality and wish to expand their professional understanding, improve their skills and gain a fuller understanding of contemporary somatic and movement trends.

In the first “BODY-ORIENTED PSYCHOTHERAPY” added the following modules:

Module 1
In-depth Anatomy of Psychological Problems. Modern somatic systems that consider the non-mechanistic structure of the human being. Introduction to ideokinetic practices. The use of anatomy in psychotherapy.

Module 2
Psychocorrective and rehabilitative work in post-traumatic conditions.

Module 3
Complex approach, basics of applied kinesiology, testing methods in applied kinesiology, use of applied kinesiology in psychotherapy.

Module 4
Types of dance and movement therapy. Various systems of movement analysis. Use of movement approaches in relationship therapy.

Module 5
Dance-movement and somatic approaches in the therapy of destructive conditions.

Advantages of the program
The advantage of body-oriented psychotherapy is that it allows for a very gentle approach to the client’s inner feelings, bypassing resistance. And most importantly, psychology of the body is the shortest way to the unconscious and therefore to the origins of problems. At the same time, work with the body is aimed not only at solving psychological problems and treating mental disorders, but also at the general improvement of the body.

Today body-oriented psychotherapy has gained very wide popularity among psychotherapists and psychologists, as knowledge of body language can give more reliable information about the person than words.

Body-oriented therapy is not subject to censorship of the patient’s consciousness and is therefore faster and more effective than “verbal” techniques.

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